Today: March 6, 2023 9:42 am
by Kingdom Ministries
by Kingdom Ministries

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Articles & Workshops

Using Your Sword of the Spirit

We often receive questions on how to fight spiritually for our friends, family and loved ones. In this latest audio recording, to a group of mothers in Reedley, CA, Keith Martens...

February 14, 2019
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Evangelism & Ministry

Guide to Biblical Evangelism

A few key principles to integrating Kingdom authority into your evangelism. BEFORE YOU GO: have someone go with you and agree together beforehand to establish God’s Rule. PROCLAIM:  audibly & corporately...

October 1, 2018
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Prayer References

Declaration of Christ’s Sovereign Rule

Try This! The following is a very specific authoritative prayer intervention you can use in spiritual warfare situations where you suspect occult activity or non-Christian cultural religious practices may be affecting...

September 1, 2018